First, I’m happy to say I got my chin TO the bar on a dead hang pull-up yesterday! I’m not over the bar yet, but I could of kissed it, it was right there! This is my quest of 2 years, the elusive pull-up. I am determined that 2013 will be my year, that I will figure out the motion, achieve the strength, and be able to do a non-scaled version of the pull-ups during a workout. Chris, who also struggles with the pull-up, has figured out that ring pull-ups are easier for him because of the flexibility of the movement. He’s getting better also, so we are working toward the same goal and feel like it’s at least in our sites.
One of the stupid, reality TV shows my family is addicted to
Finding Bigfoot. Have you seen it? The
crew searches around the world for Squatches, always hearing evidence of them,
talking to people who’ve seen them, looking at pictures and trying to determine
validity. They spend countless hours walking
around in the dark, listening for sounds of trees banging together or whistles. They always seem so close out there in the dark forests, but they haven’t quite
gotten their hands on one. The pull-up
is my Squatch. It’s right there, I know
it, yet it still eludes me. It mocks me,
by making me watch others tackle it and achieve it quicker than me. When I see someone at the Box bang out 10 or
20 pull-ups, I’m truly impressed, just as the Finding Bigfoot crew are impressed
by the local yocals who’ve had Squatch sightings.
What’s your Squatch? We all have one. We all have that one thing that makes us work
harder, pressing toward a physical achievement that we feel compelled to
master. For many it’s a marathon, or
Everest. Not me. It’s just a simple pull-up. Not if, but When I achieve it, I’ll first have a big party, and then I will set my
sites on something else.
Up until a few weeks ago, I had three Squatches. (That show is really ridiculous, BTW. Yeah let's light some flaming torches and head out into the woods to find a reclusive creature afraid of humans. That's going to work...) Anyway, the rope clinic crossed one Squatch off my list. My kipping pullups are still a work in progress, but the pull up clinic put me well on my way to crossing that one off too. Next, double unders. I hear there is a jump rope clinic planned for March. I'm counting the days.
ReplyDeleteIf anyone wants me to teach them how to whip the shit out of your feet and legs, I'm a pro at that. You can spot me easily. I'm the one swearing at my jump rope.