dog kiss

dog kiss

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Airport Paleo and WODs

Day 13, and our second weekend on the challenge! This weekend is probably a little bit easier to manage than last weekend, because the unknown has been removed. I'm writing this from 30,000 feet, somewhere over Indiana, and my trip is off to a healthy start.

I made it through the TSA checkpoint with my bag of Whey Protein, without getting frisked (bummer). The family got to our gate at 5:15 am and Chris and I had our first protein shake, 6 almonds, and a clementine, while the boys got their first Five Guys burgers of the day. In case you were wondering, we don't force Paleo on them- they eat at least 1-2 paleo meals/day with us.

We filled out water bottles, which leads me to a fun fact: the camelbak straw-type water bottles respond to air cabin pressure.  Starting at about 10000 feet, the water sprays out of it like a fountain, having complete disregard to the other passengers (that'll teach you to fall asleep so soon, sir). I solved the problem by downing 750 mL in about 30 seconds. I felt like I was drinking from a firehose.

The point of all this is adapt to your surroundings and face your challenges as intelligently as possible. Keep impulses at bay by keeping your belly full. Happy Saturday, enjoy the shopping and cooking. Has anyone tried any of the recipes from the other day? Good, bad or ugly, I'd love to hear about it.

Now I have to prepare for my WOD, which is lug 400 lbs of ski equipment through the airport, for time. 10 burpees for every traveler you crash into.


  1. Too funny...Glad to see the headlines didn't read "Fitness Blogger's Flight Diverted Afters She Douses Passengers With Unknown Liquid".

    Has anyone gotten their copy of Well Fed yet? If you have, what recipes have you tried from it?

  2. Best of luck to Angela and Chris on the 'challenge within the challenge'. Sounds like fun! Geoff - yes, I've tried citrus carnitas, cumin roasted carrots, and the best stir fry sauce ever from Well Fed. All very good!

    Added bonus for Amazon Prime members: you can check out Well Fed from the Kindle Lender's library for free and decide if you like it. I think this one's a keeper.

  3. Yes, geoff, me too. Other than lugging the ski equipment around the Denver airport, it was uneventful. Trish, I'm looking forward to the Carnitas. The cookbook is probably at my house, but I'm not. Can't wait to try some of the recipes when I get home.
